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Curried Roasted Vegetables (AIP/Paleo/Whole 30)

Filled with vitamins, minerals, and fiber that our bodies need, a variety of plentiful vegetables is imperative when it comes to healing. I like eating vegetables a variety of ways but I LOVE me some roasted veggies.  I will often simply toss chopped veggies with avo oil and salt and roast them in […]


Chocolate Milk (AIP/Paleo/Sugar-Free)

I went through a phase in my high school days, when chocolate milk was an almost daily occurrence. I’d sit in the cafeteria, work on homework, and down a large chocolate milk.  Once I graduated and went away to university, studying in Starbucks sipping on milk lattes happened way too frequently than my body needed, […]


Plantain Collagen Protein Pancakes (AIP/Paleo/Refined Sugar-Free)

When someone is on a healing diet,  reframing the way we think about breakfast is absolutely necessary. Muffins filled with gluten and obnoxious amounts of sugar as well as that bowl of quaker oats are commonly replaced with leftover meat and veggies from the night before or a big bowl of soup. Why? Because our systems absolutely do better with a balanced morning meal […]