Some people keep a pound or two of liver in their freezer… this girl, she keeps 8-10 lbs! A few weeks ago, I accidentally left our freezer door slightly open. It stayed open for close to 24 hours. Luckily, the only items that had defrosted were beef liver. It could have been WAY worse – everything […]
Tag: Anti-inflammatory
Creamy Matcha Tea Latte (AIP/Paleo/Refined Sugar Free)
There was a time when I thought there was no way in hell I’d EVER give up coffee. Everything that I had read about autoimmune disease recommended eliminating coffee, but surely there had to be another way? I’d honestly go to bed at night and think about the coffee I […]
Green Breakfast Soup (AIP/Paleo/Sugar Free) and a Book Review!
I’ve always considered myself a healthy eater but it wasn’t until I started AIP, that I felt like I was actually healing. I had already seen improvements in my health by eating gluten and dairy free, so the thought of restricting further was difficult but I knew I had the […]
Avocado Pomegranate Salad (AIP/Paleo/Refined Sugar-Free)
I love pomegranates, they’re such a fun food, like nature’s version of Gushers. Remember those? Do they still make them? If they do, please don’t eat them… Eat pomegranate instead! The fruit gives you that burst of sweet tart juice, and a little crunch. You really can’t go wrong pairing […]
Sunny Healing Latte (AIP/Paleo/Refined Sugar-Free)
I’m going back to school. What will I be studying you ask? Well, I bet you already have a pretty good idea. It has to do with food and health, both topics I am extremely passionate about! I am officially a student at the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition. I am becoming a holistic nutritionist. When […]
Breathe Easy Salad (AIP/Paleo/Sugar Free)
Last week I was down with the flu, at least I think it was the flu. Whatever it was, it was awful, and this time I really mean awful and not offal! Fever, cold sweats, then horrible coughing for days…. Just awful! But as with everything in life, I try […]