To be honest, I never made salmon patties before I created this recipe, at least not that I can remember. But one day I just had a strong craving for them and this recipe popped into my head, which is weird because how do you crave something you haven’t tasted […]
Tag: Fish
Creamy Cucumber Noodles with Shrimp (AIP/Paleo/Whole30)
When Ali from Empowered Autoimmune asked if I would do a guest post, I thought it would be fun to share a light, refreshing dish to take a break from all the indulging that goes along with the holidays! This dish is nutrient dense and easy to throw together. I […]
Teriyaki Salmon (AIP/Paleo/Refined Sugar-Free)
I am in love with wild sockeye salmon, in love, and with good reason! It is tasty, nutrient dense, and a huge component in my healing journey. I’m aiming to reduce inflammation, so it’s imperative that I up my omega 3 foods, like wild salmon. Wild salmon has a stellar […]