I am in love with wild sockeye salmon, in love, and with good reason! It is tasty, nutrient dense, and a huge component in my healing journey. I’m aiming to reduce inflammation, so it’s imperative that I up my omega 3 foods, like wild salmon. Wild salmon has a stellar […]
Tag: Healing
Coconut Lime Raspberry Gummies (AIP/Paleo/Sugar Free)
Around ten years ago I had two wisdom teeth removed. I opted to only get two removed rather than all four, since it was possible I may have room in my mouth for the other two. Not the best decision I’ve ever made, because fast forward to today, I do […]
Breathe Easy Salad (AIP/Paleo/Sugar Free)
Last week I was down with the flu, at least I think it was the flu. Whatever it was, it was awful, and this time I really mean awful and not offal! Fever, cold sweats, then horrible coughing for days…. Just awful! But as with everything in life, I try […]
No-Nut Tigernut Spread (AIP/Paleo/Sugar-Free)
This tigernut butter is completely nut-free, AIP, Paleo and whole30 compliant and is the perfect spread for those who need to avoid nuts!
Breakfast Heart Fry (AIP/Paleo/Sugar-Free) and a Book Review!
YOLO! I know when most people think of food and the term YOLO, they aren’t thinking about a restrictive diet and nomming on organ meat. It’s more like “I’m going to eat this bowl of pasta because…. YOLO!” Or “I indulged in way too much ice cream, but…YOLO!” Now I’m […]
Plantain Beef Stew (AIP/Paleo/Sugar-Free)
This recipe involves two things that I am kind of absolutely obsessed over: Plantains and the Instant Pot. I know I pronounced my love for plantains in my Chewy Plantain Cookie post, and my Instant Pot love in my Rosemary Curried Lamb Rib Stew post, so I won’t get all giddy again […]
Rosemary “Curried” Lamb Rib Stew (AIP/Paleo/Sugar-Free)
It’s important to have variety in your diet in order to get a wide range of nutrients, which is what AIP is all about, nutrient density. I can’t believe I was turned off by the thought of bone broth pre-aip. Once I started making it, I realized how flavourful it […]