Have I been MIA or what? I promise I haven’t abandoned Lichen Paleo! I’m even back with a summer salad recipe you do NOT want to miss. But first, let me give you a quick update on what I’ve been up to: 3 kids+summer = Mama cray cray Need I […]
Tag: veggies
Morning Glory Muffins (AIP/Paleo/Sugar Free)
We’re getting back into the groove of things after spring break last week. We had a great week together, ice fishing, sleepover at Nana and Grandpa’s, swimming, playing with friends, and baking with Mom! Kids were happy with their week together, and this Mama was pooped out by the end. […]
Breathe Easy Salad (AIP/Paleo/Sugar Free)
Last week I was down with the flu, at least I think it was the flu. Whatever it was, it was awful, and this time I really mean awful and not offal! Fever, cold sweats, then horrible coughing for days…. Just awful! But as with everything in life, I try […]